
Cupressus cashmeriana

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Cupressus cashmeriana - Himalayan Weeping Cypress, Kashmir Cypress, ברוש קשמירי, ברוש קשמירי
Common name: Himalayan Weeping Cypress, Kashmir Cypress, ברוש קשמירי, ברוש קשמירי
Family: Cupressaceae (Cypress)
Distribution: Bhutan and neighboring states to India and Tibet
Life form: Conifer
Description: In nature height may reach over 30 m, with trunk 2.5 m in diameter. Brown fibrous trunk, Crown conical, dangling branchlet sprays. Branchlets cylindrical. Sclae leaves on branchlets 1-2 mm long, bright-green to bluish-green, edges minutely toothed. Male cones 3-6 mm long 1.5-2.5 m wide. 7-8 pairs of pollen scales, with 3-4 pollen sacs. Mature female cones nearly spherical 1-2 cm long, dark brown at maturity, with 4-5 pairs of seed scales. 10-12 4-6 mm long seeds per scale with wings.


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