
Aloe ferox

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Aloe ferox - Tap Aloe, Bitter Aloe, Candelabra Aloe, Cape Aloe, אלווי איום, אלווי איום
Common name: Tap Aloe, Bitter Aloe, Candelabra Aloe, Cape Aloe, אלווי איום, אלווי איום
Family: Asphodelaceae (Asphodel)
Synonym: Aloe candelabrum
Distribution: South Africa,Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Lesotho
Habitat: Grassland, at altitude of 0-1500 m
Life form: Succulent tree
Description: 3-5 m high tree, clothed in dead leaf remains; 50-60 cm long, dull green, prickled leaves; reddish to reddish-brown toothed margins; up to 100 cm tall scarlet, sometimes orange inflorescence with 5-8 branches. Leaf sap is harvested commercially for pharmaceutical preparations.


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