
Cupressus macnabiana

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Cupressus macnabiana - Mac Nab Cypress, ברוש מקנב, ברוש מקנב
Common name: Mac Nab Cypress, ברוש מקנב, ברוש מקנב
Family: Cupressaceae (Cypress)
Distribution: Northern California
Habitat: Scrublands and open pine-oak woodlands, on dry slopes and ridges, often on sepentine soils
Life form: Broad leaved tree
Description: In nature shrubbby treey up to 10 m tall, with trunk up to 1.3 m in diameter, usually divided near baseinto 3 or more diverging branches.Bark gray, rough and fibrous. Crown broad adn irregular. with upward branching branches. Branchlets slightly four sided. Scale leavesbranchlets 1-1.5 mm long., grayish-green. Male cones 2/3 mm long about 2 mm wide. Mature female cones nearly spherical or slightly oblong. , 1.5-2.5 cm long, grayish-brown at maturity. 3-4 pairs of seed scales, each, but especially the uppe pair, often witha strong, upcuvedconical poion on teh face that weathers away with age. 9-12 seeds per scale, 2-5 mm long , wings much narrower thanthe body, brown.
Links: American Conifer Society


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