
Aloe microstigma

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Aloe microstigma - Cape Speckled Aloe, אלווי קטן-צלקת, אלווי קטן-צלקת
Common name: Cape Speckled Aloe, אלווי קטן-צלקת, אלווי קטן-צלקת
Family: Asphodelaceae (Asphodel)
Distribution: South Africa, Northern Province, Western Cape, Eastern Cape
Habitat: In flat, hot, dry, open terrains, in scrub areas, on steep rocky slopes, 50-1,200 m
Life form: Woody succulent
Description: Plant growing solitarily or in small groups, with up to 50 cm long stems lying along the ground, clothed in dead leaves; 50-60 cm long, lanceolete-deltatoid, green, sometimes light reddish, mostly white spotted leaves; pungent, reddish-brown toothed margins; 60-80 cm high, orange, turning greenish-yellow, sometimes red inflorescence. - The plant's name was given for the white spotted leaves. "microstigma" meaning "very small spot".


  • 1: • Accession: 0000-0349
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