
Cupressus arizonica

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Cupressus arizonica - Arizona Cypress, Rough-barked Arizona Cypress, ברוש אריזוני, ברוש אריזוני
Common name: Arizona Cypress, Rough-barked Arizona Cypress, ברוש אריזוני, ברוש אריזוני
Family: Cupressaceae (Cypress)
Distribution: Southwestern North America from south-central California to northern Zacatecas (Mexico).
Habitat: Mt canyons, 900-2400m. with annual rainfall of 400-600mm. Very drought tolerant.
Life form: Conifer
Usage: Arid garden
Description: Tree in nature up to 28 m tall, with trunk up to 2 m in diameter. Bark may be aridged and furrowed, or smooth and peeling in flakes. Tree shape dense, conical, broadening with age. Branchlets four sided, scale leaves dark gren or gray-green with wax, with slightly toothed edges. Male cones 2-5 mm long and 2 mm wide. Mature female cones 2-5 cm long and 2 mm wide, spherical or slightly elongated, gray or brown. 8-15 seeds per scale, light to dark brown.


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