
Aloe plicatilis

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Aloe plicatilis - Fan Aloe, אלווי מניפני, אלווי מניפתי
Common name: Fan Aloe, אלווי מניפני, אלווי מניפתי
Family: Asphodelaceae (Asphodel)
Distribution: South Africa,Western Cape
Habitat: Endemic, steep slopes facing south-west or rocky terrain with a high humidity factor, tolerates cold temperatures; 1,000-1,400 m
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Life form: Woody succulent
Description: Up to 5 m high, dichotomously branched plant; 12-16, distichously, fan-like arranged, linear, slightly incurved, dull to glaucous green, smooth leaves; tiny toothed margins in the upper third of the leaves; up to 50 cm high, simple, laxly flowered, scarlet inflorescence. - Common name: Fan Aloe


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