
Aloe speciosa

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Aloe speciosa - Tilt-head Aloe, אלווי הדור, אלווי הדור
Common name: Tilt-head Aloe, אלווי הדור, אלווי הדור
Family: Asphodelaceae (Asphodel)
Distribution: South Africa,Western Cape, Eastern Cape
Habitat: Rocky slopes in a sunny situation, often dense thickets, 500-800 m
Life form: Woody succulent
Description: Single or multi-stemmed, 4-6 m high plant, covered in persistent dead leaves; slightly recurved, lanceolate-lattenuate, dull glaucous green, bluish to reddish tinged leaves, the leaf rosettes tend to tilt in the direction of the greatest sun; red toothed, pink red margins; 50 cm high, simple, densely flowered, spectacular red-white bi-coloured inflorescence.


  • 1: • Accession: 0000-2534
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual